On a journey to find the best version of myself.

52feeb8c-cd6d-45c7-911f-074219766292.pngHello, and welcome to my blog. My name is Alyssa, I’m a 25 year old yogi mom, currently living in New Jersey.  I decided to start blogging my personal life/experiences, the good, the bad, the ugly. I started writing in a journal about a year ago, then slowly turned it into a book. Honestly, I read it over and over again I hated it. I didn’t think it was good enough. Until people started reading it, I couldn’t believe all the positive feedback and from there it pushed me to go 10x harder.. I figured hey I may not be able to change a million people but if I can change or help just one that’s all that truly mattered. This past year broke me, mentally & physically. The only person I’ve lost and truly needed back was myself. So I’m here on this journey called life to find the best version of myself! I hope you all enjoy! Thank you for the love and support I can’t wait to show you what I have in store .



The prison of the mind is the scariest prison of them all. Others opinions can keep you trapped inside of yourself, unknowingly and seemingly unaware until one day you feel completely crippled and overwhelmed that you’ve been living your life for others. So. 






And above all else


To yourself. Follow the energy of your internal guide. Your intuitive spirit. Most of the time if you are struggling over a decision you already know what the right one is. LISTEN❤️(Chapter2: don’t make me feel stupid for Loving you)